20 February 2015

The Alarming Terrorism

The alarming terrorism inspired by man that evil man whom all men abhor, that evil man who opened the door to deep rooted violence horror and gore. That evil man some men adore, some men worship, some bow down to the floor, get down on their knees beseech and implore, beg him for mercy, strength for the war, love for their country nation and creed. That violent man sowing confusion a written infusion of love hate and law, jealous his passions he’ll not have you ignore him, his control of the world in violence for more killing blood spilling destruction and death, it must be that most men are bereft of the sense to see just who he could be, telling compelling you to believe that he is the god that everyone needs to be saved from an evil that he has conceived. How confused are the people who pray every day to a god they all know will take them away, with the strongest delusion the father of lies killing and killing they will not deny the avid lust for death to satisfy their greedy reddened eye. xyz