30 March 2015

Proof Do You Want

What more proof do you want? Is it not I am he, who walks the theophany? Stand he not on the mount...

from Tumblr http://fxmb.info/19k5i1Z


29 March 2015

The Sign And The Seal

This is the sign and the seal, I have to reveal we are the covenant the cup and the bread. This...

from Tumblr http://fxmb.info/1CzMOWL


23 March 2015

The New Day On

Stood the lay lines watched the convergence quite amazing lay low easy the demons of hell the pond...

from Tumblr http://fxmb.info/1xRQEVL


11 March 2015

That Hole In London Zero GMT

That hole in London Zero GMT e-leavening evil forces from the pit of hades in a 2015 tarot 15...

from Tumblr http://fxmb.info/1FbkUl0


That Hole In London Zero GMT

That hole in London Zero GMT e-leavening evil forces from the pit of hades in a 2015 tarot 15 warfare against the captain of the innocent, are you able to see the Wicca the queen of England is performing to her own detriment? Can you not see the human humors, diabolic invisible odourless gases and vapours crawling along walkways and footpaths, clawing their way up buildings and houses looking for their companion pharmacy a long lost ground associate lodging in the tissue of senile nihilism? Nightmare! Skull and crossbones, she is the pirate of the sonship selling out the little children for more money, more mutilators, more paedophile’s, No way!

03 March 2015

I See A Great Earthquake Coming

I see a great earthquake coming Revelations chapter 9, Christian brains begin collapsing blood...

from Tumblr http://fxmb.info/18IJzkO