I am sure that divided Christians will be blinded by the brilliancy of the true light of the arriving Zn of peace, having been mislead by a false interpretation of scriptural text, the dull light of the impersonator causing the minds of the faithful to hang onto the falsehood of a delusional rapture. It could be that the faithful are expecting a Hollywood style epic adventure, staring John Cleese as Jesus Christ visibly on the clouds of heaven. Am I not on the clouds already, are not my angels visibly with me? The liar will mislead and delude many, leading them to believe in a completely erroneous translation of scripture, the idea of being caught up in the air as if by magic and not by mind, to be bought down some time later onto the the killing fields of israel, to do battle, as if the the battle had not already commenced. For am I not already engaged in battle, in the spirit of truth, against the devil liar? Am I not already on the spiritual holy mount of my isreal no israel, in the spirit of truth am I not for real everywhere. For no gentile interpretation of the Zn will bring the true peaceful brilliancy of salvation, to the church of the money sucking devil. There will be no phony roman lie in the clouds of heaven to save them.
They call it supernatural, the spirit of the most high hovers over
the face of the deep water.
It's not at all academic, and very visible to all and sundry.
A true perception on life is this Theophany, a falling sky whom
all will see and every tongue confess.
07 May 2012
Divided They Fall
Endtimes, Theophany, Eschatology
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