08 August 2010

Air Ryll

The anti-kill anomaly is extant in the skies over Stopsley. Please do not bow down to the "money god" baby killer. Messenger man you fail to hear, you yourself are deluded. Know you not, that it is money which governs world affairs. Science and technology the opium of the masses. Know you not, that world leaders invest great power in the very thing that rules every aspect of their life, money.
               Money, the absolute god of this world, money rules every aspect of human existence. Technology bolsters and agrees, while religion theologies and negotiates the virtues of charitable giving, your one world government is quite plain to see. Your two witnesses Judaism and Christianity lay dead before you in the streets of the city, evil men praise and exalt themselves while immersed and engrossed in depraved, immoral, diabolical, deviant behaviour, with none who can prevent them, with none to stop them, except that the Creator himself humbles and brings change to this sin darkened world.


Air Ryll

The air ryll nail edge air needs no explanation except for those of you immersed in spiritual confusion take stock. Air real pierces through dark mystical sayings. Air real relegates Gabriel the prince of the air to the depths of hell below. Air real all encompassing air master son of The Father Almighty. Calling Michael archangel, my call to rule easy and lay low all who challenge my air real authority.