23 December 2010

The Way It Is

The devil and his ilk are polluting the sky, they poison the sky and all demons comply, turning a blind eye, blinkered deluded and zombie. We the Children of the Almighty chant, "to hell with the devil." Do we battle against flesh and blood? Do we physically contend with godless minions? Is it for us to go warmongering, spilling blood in the name of any Father? The Israelis, those who call themselves the chosen, and most of the nations of the earth do and are, the cause of much confusion in the land, in this way are they polluting the air, polluting the sky, marauding violent insurrection. Who died to put an end to all evil? Look up, peace Children's vigil. 
 All violence will be removed from off the landing, our landing, the whole of the northern hemisphere. See the real peace order descending from on high, wait on the Son Children, for He alone has the "so Luton" a new Jerusalem visible in air. Wait on the Son, for He alone has the solution, follow in no way phony wanna be false prophets and preachers parasites hirelings financially profiting in the name of Christ, did Christ ever beg for money? Devils selling dvd's, cd's, and books, worse still houses and land in Walterboro and surrounding counties, insisting that you come out to live with them in their wilderness. 
 Keep a focused eye on the heavens Children, it will indicate to you the true whereabouts of the salvation to come, will not every eye see? The Almighty Father will foot stool the enemy, every enemy. Of course healing the earth is my destiny, changing earth gravity is a given, a new earth and a new sky, flying Children have great joy in heaven. The Children vouch for the truth, they know the days of flying will soon be here, will soon be upon us. 
 Check the page today at iCom EarthCentral get a look in on the live theophany weather web-cam. I am constantly praying for a daily halo aura or tractable clouds to silence violent minded sceptics. Be silent impostor be gone, be off with you. Only for now do you fail to recognise the real no rael peace warrior walking his heavenly principles on earth. A day will soon be upon you in which no man shall deny the heavenly authority of Him who is. Ya shoo! Today will be a day for a theophany, blessed Father Almighty will finish off all violent people. Moon on moon, week on week, with an accelerating quickening does the sky become lowered, the new Jerusalem descending, causing all evil to be gone off the deck of this Son ship, be off this hemisphere. Observe the heavens see the micro (omega) aura anomaly come blue sky window create a given sign onto you. Rev:1:7 
 The heavens will descend, sending non be leaf to the sub ways, the caves and nuclear bunkers. The righteous shall inherit the upper earth and great joy shall be had by all who be leaf. No mixed messages delivered, no confusion. Time to wait on the Father Almighty who rules forever, humble all vile violent enemy via hyper real mega blasting celestial means. Not for the swift, nor the battle for the strong, but for all who endure to the end.

01 October 2010

08 August 2010

Air Ryll

The anti-kill anomaly is extant in the skies over Stopsley. Please do not bow down to the "money god" baby killer. Messenger man you fail to hear, you yourself are deluded. Know you not, that it is money which governs world affairs. Science and technology the opium of the masses. Know you not, that world leaders invest great power in the very thing that rules every aspect of their life, money.
               Money, the absolute god of this world, money rules every aspect of human existence. Technology bolsters and agrees, while religion theologies and negotiates the virtues of charitable giving, your one world government is quite plain to see. Your two witnesses Judaism and Christianity lay dead before you in the streets of the city, evil men praise and exalt themselves while immersed and engrossed in depraved, immoral, diabolical, deviant behaviour, with none who can prevent them, with none to stop them, except that the Creator himself humbles and brings change to this sin darkened world.


Air Ryll

The air ryll nail edge air needs no explanation except for those of you immersed in spiritual confusion take stock. Air real pierces through dark mystical sayings. Air real relegates Gabriel the prince of the air to the depths of hell below. Air real all encompassing air master son of The Father Almighty. Calling Michael archangel, my call to rule easy and lay low all who challenge my air real authority.

03 July 2010

For you Grandson

Banking on a major display of dynamic aerial phenomenon today, check the Burfield after five the usual time of commercial shut down, often the period when the glory is most visible. Praise the Father his glory, all devils melt back in fear @Theophany1 @Millennial_Rule. Chronological cro-magnon man ape theory burning down downing straight ways save the children from knife culture hell below

25 May 2010